Gretchen Markle

Travel Blog

(posted on 22 Aug 2016)

It was a better day today. No huge disappointments like yesterday. There was even some sun this morning, and the house heated up very nicely. We met a couple more of the neighbours and their aging dog. We watched the Harriers hunting over the valley and getting harassed by the magpies. Just a quiet, more hopeful day

More clouds, of course

I read Felipe's blog (Caminoheads). He was picking corn for his guests. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to have fresh corn on the cob right now!!! Mind you, I did use kale from the garden to make an eggy dish to have with roast cabbage. Yum.


The cuts of meat have different names down here. I'm totally lost. At least at the butcher's they can translate into North American for me.