Gretchen Markle

Travel Blog

(posted on 23 Aug 2016)

What a difference a day makes. Today, we went to the beach. Pakiri Beach, north of here, very close to Goat Island Reserve.

Pakiri Beach

(Goat Island in the background)

Miles of beautiful white sand, only a few surfers and a couple of Oystercatchers. Oh, and the gulls of course, gathering around as we nibbled our sandwiches.

After the ups and downs of the last couple of days - having plans fall apart, things being totally up in the air, and having to wait for information from Canada - we needed to get out of the house and clear our heads. Well, Pakiri Beach was the perfect place. I painted while my sweetie explored, then we walked until the beach ran out. We came home whole again, ready to make decisions and looking forward to the next leg of our journey.


Back to the roads. OMG! As My Beloved remarked while we crawled along a gravel mountainside track (marked as a main road on the map), "We have roads like this in Canada. We call them logging roads.". But it was worth the drive!