Gretchen Markle

Travel Blog

(posted on 21 Aug 2016)

We had a big disappointment today. We had lined up a wonderful housesit near Toulouse in France. Great homeowner, two nifty looking dogs, and 30 acres of 140-year-old forest. A land art project in the woods. Plus the use of a car.

This morning, it all fell through. Well, actually, it had been starting to topple for a few days. Since we'd necessarily be in the 'Schengen Area' (EU) for more than 90 days, we'd need visas. This requires an amazing amount of documentation, but that's OK. We could put it all together, bit by bit. The catch is that we can't apply from here. We have to do so in person in Vancouver after we get back to BC on October 11. Our prospective homeowner needed to make her reservations and could not wait until then. So we mututally decided that she would have to go ahead and plan to use some other housesitters. We are all quite disappointed. And talking now about maybe next year...

Just after our Skype conversation, I looked out the window, and the dark clouds mirrored my mood. How appropriate!

Gloomy Morning

Bummed out in Scotts landing. Will go for a long walk to get my head sorted.